顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵

Fusion of luxury senses during the second edition of PomorskieRendez- Vous
2014-06-16 17:21:44

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

       A presentation of superyachts, luxury cars, jewelry, but also a fashion show and appearances of outstanding musicians are just some of the attractions that the participants of the second edition of the PomorskieRendez - Vous had the opportunity to experience on the 6th of June at the legendary Granary Island in Gdansk.

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

      PomorskieRendez - Vous was organised by the Sunreef Yachts shipyard, a leader in the production of luxury custom – made catamarans. The initiative was held under the honorary patronage of the President of Gdansk, PawelAdamowicz and the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship, MieczyslawStruk.
      波兰盛筵由世界豪华定制双体船的引领者 — Sunreef Yachts主办,并且由格但斯克市长PawelAdamowicz和波美拉尼亚总督元帅MieczyslawStruk名誉赞助和发起。

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

      The event was a continuous show the top luxury goods present on the Polish and international markets. Thanks to the organisers and partners, a carefully selected group of guests had the opportunity to undergo extraordinary visual, audio and scense experiences. The event started exactly at 6 pm. At the same time, the Sunreef Yachts, Delphia and Galeon yachts, which enjoyed constant attention throughout the evening, were entering the yachting zone. Moments later, the representatives of PernodRicard performed the phenomenal " sabrage ", which was a ceremony of opening a Mumm champagne bottle with a saber. In addition to the gold sparkling bubbles guests  enjoyed a menu that was specially prepared for the occasion by Sofitels head chefs . It included a feirydish of lamb prepared during the live cooking show performed by Gaggenau . Tomasz Malek and Marek Posluszny, worlds „Flair” champions in bartending,  delighted the guests with a show on the main stage. 

     活动上持续向来宾展示了波兰和国际市场上顶级的奢侈品,且在组织者和合作方的细致安排下,只有经过仔细筛选的客人才有机会亲临现场,体验波兰盛筵所带来的超凡视听享受。活动于下午6点准时开始,同一时间,Sunreef Yachts的Delphia号和Galeon号在众人的注视中驶入游艇区,整晚都受到宾客的热烈追捧。紧接着,法国豪华绿茴香酒品牌Ricard的代表展示了著名的“Sabrage”— 一种用军刀开启香槟的仪式。宾客们在品尝诱人香槟的同时,更能想用到由索菲特酒店主厨精心准备的美食,其中包括由Gaggenau在现场烹制的羔羊肉。除此之外, “天赋杯”世界调酒师比赛冠军得主Tomasz Malek 和Marek Posluszny在主舞台为来宾们展示了令人炫目的调酒技术。

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

      One of the main points of the program was the premiere of the Autumn – Winter 2014 collection by the LA MANIA fashion house. Undoubtedly the star of the night turned out to be Kayah&Transoriental Orchestra, who gave an outstanding performance. The evening was also honored by an amazing concert by Stanislaw Soyka, who arrived at the special invitation from Steinway & Sons. Car fans were excited about presentation of brands such Mercedes Benz, Jaguar, Land Rover and the legendary Aston Martin. Many attractions throughout the evening were prepared for the guests by other partners from the jewelry, tourism, airline carrier, horse - carriage,  banking, fashion and new technology industries. 
     LA MANIA品牌的2014秋冬季新品发布是整场活动的亮点之一,而Kayah&Transoriental管弦乐团则毫无疑问是当晚最耀眼的明星,他们的演出精彩绝伦。受Steinway & Sons的特别邀请出席此次活动的Stanislaw Soyka也带来了美妙的音乐会。梅赛德斯-奔驰、捷豹路虎和传奇的阿斯顿马丁的展出,使在场的汽车发烧友为之兴奋尖叫。除此之外,当晚还有为各界宾客准备,来自其它行业的合作伙伴品牌展示,包括珠宝、旅游、航空飞机、马车、银行、时装以及新科技。

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

     The luxurious evening was finished off with a fireworks show, whose brightness dazzled upon, not only the guests of the evening, but also the entire Old Town of Gdansk. PomorskieRendez – Vous was delighted to be attended by famous personalities from the world of cinema, music, politics, and business.

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场 顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

     Where did the idea of organizing this spectacular event come from?
     "The idea of the PomorskieRendez - Vous was born in 2013, when I came back from the Chinese island of Hainan, where the SanyaSuperyachtsRendez – Vous is organised for many years now.  The event combines the world of yachts with other luxury goods and is a great place to meet people who appreciate elegance and carefully selected products. I was then convinced that Poles are ready for this kind of an experience. And I was not wrong. The first edition of PomorskieRendez – Vous, as well as the second one, proved to be remarkably successful. I strongly believe that from now on the  PomorskieRendez - Vous will settle in the calendar of the most famous events of this kind in the world. "- said Francis Lapp - Founder and President of the Sunreef Yachts shipyard.
     “2013年我到中国海南参加了在那里举办的海天盛筵,这一活动将全球顶级的游艇和其它奢侈品集结一起,同时汇聚了喜爱优雅豪华精品的高端人士,并且已经成功举办了好几年。从中国回来后我就萌发了想要举办波兰盛筵的想法,我也确信我们有举办这种活动的能力。事实证明,我是对的,第一届和第二届波兰盛宴都举办得非常成功。 我相信,从今以后波兰盛筵将作为固定品牌进入全球最著名的盛会日历表中。”Sunreef Yachts的创始人兼总裁Francis Lapp先生如是说道。
     The second edition of PomorskieRendez - Vous was a continuation of the tradition that begun in 2013. A following  luxury scene will take place next year, also in Gdańsk.

 顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

顶级奢华体验荟萃 — 第二届波兰盛筵活动现场

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标签:顶级奢华体验    波兰盛筵    格拉纳里岛    Sunreef Yachts    游艇    LA MANIA    品牌    梅赛德斯-奔驰    捷豹路虎    阿斯顿马丁    
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