
2012-11-08 12:19:08


风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

PHERES Jewellery

The PHERES jewellery collection consists of exquisite designs using only the highest quality gems of top colour and clarity. Our speciality is to produce classic designs using extremely rare and coloured diamonds. For exclusive pieces Narcisa goes to auctions around the world and selects very rare diamonds. She works especially with very rare pink, blue or red diamonds that she has access to through her long time partners.
In order to give a wider choice of designs to our customers Narcisa Pheres works in collaboration with one of the designers from Harry Winston in London.
All of our jewellery is handmade by very skilled artisans in Japan.

其中这次主要介绍的PHERES弗瑞斯男装拥有超过2000种怀旧设计(1910-1940年)和印花丝绸。其制作工匠是在意大利手工制作上拥有上百年历史的家族手工匠并采用传统的Lavorazione  Artigianale 手工加工工艺制作,由于纯手工制作的原因,每年生产都限定在一定数量,每条领带需要3个小时的手工缝制,每个西装则需要至少3个星期的手工制作,每套衣服和领带均由自己的独自编 号,同时PHERES独家设计的领带使用了独有的独特丝绸设计,曾多次被被Men's Folio Magazine, March 2009 Pg 31. Pleaes see attached PDF for article and photo评为「世界上最华丽的领带」。 PHERES领带全部手工制作,整条领带均由丝绸制成﹔并分为3/5/7折。


风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

 PHERES Ladies Collection

Narcisa Pheres has also been designing women‟s wear from the beginning of her career. She specializes in Haute Couture designs but plans to develop a Prêt-à-Porter collection for women‟s wear within the PHERES brand.
Narcisa has designed unique dresses for a select clientele including Miss Universe, Miss World and other international celebrities.
Fabrics for dresses are always sourced from Italy and France from the highest quality collections available. We also have our own collection of silk fabrics that we use for Couture gowns.

PHERES is producing some of the most exclusive ties in the world (design wise as well as fabrics used). Many times PHERES ties have been named as the most luxurious ties in the world.
PHERES owns over 2000 vintage (1910-1940) designs and patterns for silk that can be used for creating “one- of-a-kind” ties.
PHERES ties are entirely made of silk front and back and come in different shapes with 3, 5 or 7 folds.
Our „Swarovski‟ tie collection is a very limited edition where we only make four ties per colour. Every single tie from our limited collection comes with a serial number and is hand signed by the designer.
PHERES is well known for offering one-of-a-kind designs to royalty and international celebrities.


餐后我在参观其商场区域的时候我好奇拿起领带确实看到领带的每个面都是一个完整的面,前后背两面都是一样的做工,其他的品牌领带则只是前面精美,背面与前面制作均不一样的两面。再看到她 展示的男装西装里面,最新款的是没有西装里衬的,我们传统观念里面认为,品牌的里衬是否精美决定了这个品牌的产品品质,于是我好奇询问个种原因,娜西莎•弗瑞斯女士谈到这只是今年的一 个夏装风格而已,现在流行的男装西装里面大部分没有里衬的,当然这个是随着市场动态的一种设计风格,每年都会不一样的,哦,原来如此,希望我们别在受这些传统观念所限制。


风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯


Leading visionary of the brand is our chief creative officer and head designer, Narcisa Pheres together with our team of designers in Italy. The entire production is carried out in Italy using the traditional “Lavorazione Artigianale” technique.
PHERES hopes to bring luxury back to its roots by creating very exclusive products of extremely high quality that the niche market of connoisseurs truly appreciates.
We believe that true luxury is in the details so we pay maximum attention to every step in the design and making process.

风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯




娜西莎•弗瑞斯女士:是这样的,我的意思是我们更愿意稳步开始我们的品牌,我们通过每年在意大利及一些时装周时举办一些私人宴会的形式来推广我们的品牌,那些被邀 请的人士则是我们的潜在消费群体,我们不选择在非常公开的媒体场合上大肆宣传我们的产品,因为我们的客户群体希望他们的选择并不是大街上每个人都穿的“大众化高价商品”,其次我 们的服务更像是定制的多,每位客户致电我们,我们都会提供系列的定制服饰,比如西装,衬衣,及相关的佩戴品等,而不仅仅是一个衣服,更多的是服务的层次赋予了我们的品牌客户与众不同的感受 。


Sandy陈星佟:就是你们选择的推广形式是活动定点邀请的形式来开拓你们的服务品牌,我对你们的品牌定义为成“服务品牌”,因为你们售卖的不再是一个服装单品消费,拥 有更多的增值服务,举例是系列的搭配服务,整套定制服务等。不知我这样理解是否准确呢?

娜西莎•弗瑞斯女士:示确实如此,我们非常重视我们的每一位客户,所以我们品牌提供的不再是单一的服装感念,这就是为什么我们会有不用的品牌线来配合客户的日常需 求,而这些需求都不再是单一销售,而是整体服务里的一个环节,否则我们大肆宣传后,我们担心后期服务跟不上的话,会让我们辛苦累积的客户都慢慢丢失,其次更严重的是品牌专注度,认可度不强 的话,那么我们的客户就非常容易被其他的品牌所带走,当然我并非指我们的客户就只卖我们的产品,而是我们可以在客户的日常采购单里面占有稳定的一个比例就可以了。

风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯


PHERES  Clothes: Suits and Shirts

PHERES uses for its collection high-end fabrics such as silk, cashmere, wool /silk, blends, Egyptian cotton and the finest leather all from top Italian suppliers. Finished products display perfect tailoring and elaborated hand details.
By using a combination of quality materials and classic design we ensure that our collections consist of timeless pieces that will not go out of fashion after a season but can be worn in different combinations over the years.



Sandy陈星佟:假如真如您所说的,我想询问您一个比较尖锐的问题,目前很多国际品牌,不管是化妆品或者服装针对不同的区域市场,提供的质 量和服务都不一样的,事实上也有很多品牌在面对中国消费者时提供的并非是我们理解的欧美的质量和服务,当然也里面也有一部分原因是中国的准入标准低于欧美国家,但是这些举动引发了中国消费 者很大的情绪不满?那么PHERES 品牌在这个问题上的态度和处理又是如何呢?

娜西莎•弗瑞斯女士:我不知道别的品牌如何,但是我属下的品牌在全世界不管哪个地区,都是一样的服务和一样的质量,不会存在质量和服务上的差异对待,但是有可能存在的只是在设计风格或者面料选择上的分别,但这 个分别主要体现在区域物料风格并不是指质量上的,当然更不会出现在某个地区,比如在中国提供低于其他地区产品质量的产品,尽管中国的准入标准低于欧美,对我们来说,客户是一样的,我们的品牌代表着我们质量和服务,必须是一致延续的,所以在这个问题上,我想倘若中国消费者可以放心,我们的产品更多的是口碑传递,都是一个朋友圈子里面带来的稳定客户增长的多。 比如我们很多客户 都是从国内到香港我们的店里面来采购我们品牌。国内目前还不能没有看到PHERES 品牌,但是我们也逐步在和中国的企业在谈国内开店的想法。这次我们选择风尚中国做采访也是一样的, 我们也欢迎 和希望能够与中国媒体进行这样的交流沟通,也希望《风尚中国》这次的采访带来更多的读者关注和更多的合作机会。

最后我们《风尚中国》也希望能够尽快的在中国地区看到娜西莎•弗瑞斯女士带领PHERES 品牌,一个真的能够对中国消费者尊重,提供无差别对待服务的意大利品牌。

风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯


风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

PHERESLeather Goods

The PHERES leather goods collection consists of few but very exclusive products. Handmade leather bags (travelling bag for men), handmade and hand painted leather shoes, belts and our signature product - stingray shoes that have been featured in fashion magazines which caught the attention of the fashion world.
We also offer made to measure services to our customers for our leather goods. With over 50 colours of leather (crocodile, python, ostrich, stingray, calf) and many different styles to choose from PHERES customers are offered ultimate luxury.

风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

PHERES Accessories: Cufflinks

PHERES cufflinks are made of gold and platinum with precious and semi precious stones (diamonds, sapphire, amethyst etc). All cufflinks are entirely hand made in either Belgium or Japan by skilful artisans, following the original designs of our brand.
Our designer often collaborates with internationally acclaimed artists to create limited collections. For one collection Narcisa Pheres hand selected Murano glass from an acclaimed Venetian artisan from his „Aventurina‟ art collection. The Murano glass was inflated with 24k gold powder and cut into very unique shapes then set in gold. Each pair of cufflinks were unique art pieces and cannot be reproduced.


Photography Gallery



风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

Miss Universe, Singapore 2009

风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯


风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

PHERES show at American club,Singapore 2008

 风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

Private viewing for VIPs,Kuala Lumpur 2008

 风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯

PHERES by Monti collection,Veneto Italy 2008 - 2009



风尚中国时尚主编对话PHERES品牌创始人、首席设计师Narcisa Pheres娜西莎•弗瑞斯


Our Chief Desiger, Narcisa Pheres has well established relations with top Italian manufacturers, fabrics suppliers and Italian luxury brands.
Because of the exclusivity and quality of our products we have a consistent referral of business by word of mouth. And so PHERES has acquired an ever growing number of brand ambassadors (Celebrities, CEO‟s, Diplomats, Miss Universe, Miss World, Top Professionals and Famous Sportsmen etc) and swiftly gained international recognition.

Pheres(弗瑞斯)品牌库 :  http://brand.fengsung.com/Pheres/ 

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标签:PHERES    时装    Haute Couture    高级定制    风尚中国    品牌    奢华    时尚网站    时尚界    创始人    娜西莎•弗瑞斯    Narcisa Pheres    意大利品牌    高级定制时装    
奢华私语 时尚衣橱